WEEK 8 - A good PSA ad - Quebec Automobile Insurance Company: "Buckle Up and Stay Alive"

Quebec Automobile Insurance Company - "Buckle Up and Stay Alive"

Image via: https://guerrillaforngo.wordpress.com/portfolio/saaq-buckle-up-stay-alive/

I have selected this Public Service Announcement print ad created by The Quebec Automobile Insurance Society. They develop these sets of the poster to raise awareness of safe driving and using seat belts as to this day, there are still drivers and passengers who die in road accidents because they were not buckled up. Wearing a seat belt reduces by half the risk of being killed or seriously injured in an accident (Guerrillaforngo, 2017).

I think this PSA ad is really effective because it delivers exactly one “core message” in a straightforward way and this “core message” is the one thing you want the audience to remember and understand (Bizfluent, 2017). The message in this PSA ad is really clear as it stated: “Buckle Up, Stay Alive”. If you are not wearing a seatbelt and you get in a car accident you will possibly lose your life. Three poster shows t-shirts with the different colour with a date ranging from 1980s-1990s. This is mainly targeted at late teens and young adults, aged 16-24. In addition, I think the choice of colour makes these PSA ads effective. For example, in the second poster, they use red as the choice of colour and red is a bright hot colour, indicating danger and caution. They aimed at sensitising youngster by showing the year 1993 on a red shirt as the ad also shows that youngster is among a majority that involved in car accidents. Furthermore, the ad also shows that buckling your seatbelt is a life or death situation. Your tombstone dates will be carved out for you if you forget to buckle. The simple black t-shirt (black is normally the color associated with death or a funeral). The presence of the seatbelt in the image covering your death. The seat belt acts as a precautionary measure.

By: Chiew Yin Wei

Bizfluent. (2017). How to Make a Good PSA. [online] Available at: https://bizfluent.com/how-7469497-make-good-psa.html [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

Guerrillaforngo. (2017). SAAQ: Buckle up, stay alive. [online] Available at: https://guerrillaforngo.wordpress.com/portfolio/saaq-buckle-up-stay-alive/ [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].


  1. I agree with this post since it has a simple message but indeed, the design also catches the readers' eye, but it doesn't have any information like call to action (address or telephone number) (National Institute of Justice, n.d.). According to wordstream, the more information that you provide with call to action, 'the better it will be for all parties involved' (McCaffrey, 2016).


    National Institute of Justice. (n.d.). Creating a Public Service Announcement | National Institute of Justice. [online] Available at: https://www.nij.gov/topics/courts/restorative-justice/marketing-media/pages/psa.aspx [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017].

    McCaffrey, B. (2016). Hook, Line, and Sinker: 7 Tips for a Killer Call-to-Action | WordStream. [online] Wordstream.com. Available at: http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/10/09/call-to-action [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017].


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