WEEK 2 - Opposition of Emotional and Rational ads

Opposition of Emotional and Rational ads 

Image via: https://sairahusain.wordpress.com/tag/nice-booty-great-sole/

Regarding the headline, “nice booty, great sole” show the features of the product when wearing Reebok’s easy tone shoe, the women will be more sexually desirable to the men.  Whereas, mthe advertisement can be applied to how women chisel their butt and legs by using toning shoes. Women are generally concerned about their appearance just because to look good. Furthermore, the highlighting of “nice booty” show clearly to the audiences by using the product is the best choice for you. Besides, the audiences will have feelings while they read the headline.

On the other hand, the design of the advertisement can be applied into sex appeal. It makes the audience have a sense of curiosity regarding how Reebok could use a women body to be a nice booty. However, a good advertisement can be more toward to the product rather than conscious message and picture.

The fact that these shoes help tone a woman's butt and legs give the shoe so much more meaning and can definitely be associated with sex appeal. Apart from that, Reebok uses sex appeal in the easy tone shoe advertisements so that it can attract the audience’s visuals.

By: Ting Yie Chee


  1. I like how the ad is very simple and straightforward. It simply shows the visual of a woman’s toned butt and legs, which will draw people in easily. Furthermore, when people are reading this ad, they will simply realised, by just walking, they not only can shape their butt and also their legs. However, I think this ad will also bring confusion to people as some people might be thinking this ad is not promoting a shoe brand when they first saw this ad.

    Chiew Yin Wei


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